SPRMOM joins the Kloosterstraat!


All moms are the best. Because they go above and beyond, always. With the utmost dedication and all in their own special way. Moms come in countless variations, yet what they all have in common is that they love, unconditionally. And cuddle. And comfort. And work. And drive everyone around. And protect. And dance. And sing. And laugh. And cry. And actually…. they’ll stop at nothing. Because moms are superwomen. They juggle between diapers and paperwork, between crèches and cocktails, between study buddy and sportyspice, between family and framily and between bibs and being bosslady. 

That is why we created SPRMOM. A meaningful jewellery collection for all moms, to thank them or just to help them pamper themselves. SPRMOM designs stylish and cool creations, in tune with the lifestyle of kick-ass moms who give their best to their kids, and family, every single day. Available in both 14 and 18 carat gold, because only the best is good enough. For moms who love 'that little extra', SPRMOM also created a BLCK Label. These designs in 18 carat gold with a minimalist touch get an extra punch thanks to stunning diamond details.


Bellamy Gallery opent pop-up in Kloosterstraat.


F.R.E.D. A-trilogy: celebrating three years LABO